The Eagle’s Nest Camp Director (Director) is responsible for all aspects of the Eagle’s Nest Camp program including implementation of a unique educational experience emphasizing the natural world, community life, natural history, the arts, music, and outdoor/environmental leadership, all rooted in a firm belief in the value of experiential education in intimate relationship with the natural world. The Director also oversees the hiring of all seasonal and full time staff, the recruitment of campers and Hante participants, marketing the program, and camper/participant instruction and care during the camp session. The Director reports directly to the Eagle’s Nest Foundation Executive Director and serves on the Foundation Executive and Administrative Councils to help ensure cohesive programming across the Foundation.
Eagle’s Nest Foundation is the umbrella 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which oversees Eagle’s Nest Camp (Camp), Hante Adventures, and The Outdoor Academy (OA). Our shared programs provide the opportunity for a child to grow and develop with us from the age of 6 to 18. All programs share the campus at 43 Hart Road necessitating close collaboration among the directors of the programs and the Foundation’s administrative departments (Camp, OA, Finance and Development). We value the strength that collaboration brings to our Foundation. The directors meet annually to set strategic goals for the upcoming year and then at least monthly to review shared progress, to brainstorm and to troubleshoot.
Responsibilities: Program Direction and Guidelines; Camper/Participant Recruitment; Finances and Tuition; Camp Administration; Risk Management; Staff Recruitment and Hiring; Staff Professional Development and Evaluation; Transcultural Responsiveness; Fundraising; Long Range Planning; Alumni Relations; Professional Contacts; Camp Accreditation; Marketing and Enrollment Materials; Camper Interactions; Parental Contact; Financial Aid; Physical Plant Management; Teaching
Current Strategic Initiatives:
The Director will play a significant role in advancing the following strategic priorities:
1. Promote a camp community that educates the whole child in becoming their best self, is safe and welcoming to a wide diversity of young people and staff, and supports the ENF mission.
2. Maintain full enrollment and support for Camp within the community and alumni body.
3. Provide staff with an environment for stimulating teaching, professional development and personal reward.
4. Pursue financial aid funding to sustain economic diversity of campers and participants.
5. Collaborate with Eagle’s Nest Foundation Executive Council and Trustees to set strategy and direction for the growth of Camp and Hante Adventures and to meet the priorities and goals set for Camp by the Foundation.
Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years of experience in camp administration and teaching (or similar experience), residential environment supervision, experiential and outdoor education including risk management, community building and team playing, a visionary approach to “whole education”, and an innovative spirit of service. Job qualifications include a minimum of a BA or BS degree and the ability to live on campus during the summer season
About Eagle's Nest Foundation
Eagle’s Nest Camp (ENC), a unique, experiential, residential camp program for young people ages 6 to 17. Our summer camp, located near Brevard, North Carolina, opened in 1927 and chartered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1950. In 1973 Hante Adventures was launched within the Camp program providing opportunities for teens to deepen their experience with outdoor and cultural immersion journeys across the country and abroad. In 1994 Eagle’s Nest Camp became one of two programs under the umbrella of Eagle’s Nest Foundation, sharing a campus and resources with our residential semester school, The Outdoor Academy. All programs at Eagle’s Nest are oriented to a child’s healthy growth and development between the ages of 6 to 17. In fulfillment of Eagle’s Nest Foundation’s mission, ENC promotes personal responsibility, self-knowledge, the betterment of human character, and a deep connection to the natural world.