
– Identifies and makes initial contact with prospective donors including private donors, Foundations, Corporations, and other funding entities. A major thrust in 2025 will be to reach out to corporations, private individuals, Family Foundations, other Tribal Nations, and Federal
and State Government granting sources.
-Writes and submits initial letters of inquiry and makes initial contacts with prospective donors.
-Writes grant and other applications to prospective donors and submits these with approval from the BOD.
-Organizes and implements fund-raising activities nationwide.

Tagged as: Fundraising


Must have positive experience writing medium and large-size grants, and fund-raising for 501c3 non-profit organizations. Familiarity with Foundations and donors interested in supporting Native American initiatives and familiarity with Indian Country is highly beneficial.

About Camp Laugh A Lot

Camp Laugh A Lot is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Camp Laugh A Lot provides healthy, outdoors experiences in the Black Hills for Lakota youth ages 7 to 12. Camp activities include swimming, canoeing, paddleboarding, fishing, hiking, nature study, treasure hunts using nature clues, campfire programs, educational programs about animals and nature, and other activities. All camp sessions are in June. Some camp sessions are day trips to the Black Hills, and some are one or two night overnights in the Black Hills. We camp in beautiful campgrounds in the Black Hills with nice facilities.

Application Instructions

Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter to camplaughalotSD@gmail.com. Please include in your CV or cover letter documentation of the successful grants you have written, and documentation of your fund-raising experience. Thank you!