
Title: Adult Program Crew Leader

Reports to: Program Coordinators

Locations: Flagstaff, Arizona

Status: Seasonal, Full-time, Camping Program

Dates Fl: February 10th – August 15th, 2025 (dates may vary depending on weather & project availability)

Wages: $925-1125/week, depending on prior experience and certifications.

Benefits: Health benefits eligible. Employee Assistance Program provided. Food provided while in the field. Uniforms and personal protective equipment also provided.

The Crew Leader II position is an opportunity to make a difference in young peoples’ lives while completing conservation projects on public and private lands. Leaders will be mentors, educators, and facilitators for young adults, working to promote the health and resiliency of our land, air, and water.

Standard schedule generally consists of a two-week hitch cycle with 8 days in the field as a crew unit and 6 days out of the field with some exceptions. Crew Leaders are required to come in for an additional day each hitch cycle to complete administrative duties and check-ins with program staff, typically the day after returning from project. On-hitch, crews camp together, prepare all meals together, and work together as a group to complete all projects and chores.

The Crew Leader II position requires patience, a consistently positive mental attitude, mentorship, technical aptitude, focus on efficiency, and a high level of competence in the outdoors. It also involves an administration role, where weekly paperwork is due in a timely manner to supervisors. Finally, crew leaders must exhibit the ability to effectively work on diverse teams and those from a variety of populations and communities.

Tagged as: Backcountry Skills, Crew, Development, Trail Supervisor, Crew, and Leaders

About Arizona Conservation Corps

Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC) operates programs across Arizona engaging individuals and strengthening communities through service and conservation. AZCC is focused on connecting youth, young adults and recent era military veterans with conservation service work projects on public lands. Our programs promote personal growth, experiential learning and an ethic of natural resource stewardship while incorporating the guiding principles of community, dedication, challenge, integrity and FUN!

Application Instructions

Apply online through azcorps.org/leader-positions

Company Website
