
Title: Fall Conservation Crew Member

Crew Structure:  4 Crew members per crew. (3 Crews / 12 Positions)

Location: Crews are based in Chattanooga, TN. All hitches will end and begin at our Chattanooga office and will then travel to project sites, where they will camp and work for nine days at a time in various locations across the Southeast region. All crews will be camping crews.

Season Dates: August 26th - November 22nd, 2024 

Status: Full-time, seasonal 450-hour AmeriCorps National Term of Service position.

Compensation: A $500/week living stipend and a $100/week housing stipend, paid bi-weekly, including a $1,824.07 Segal Education Award upon program completion.

Hitch Schedule: 9 days on (Tuesday – Wednesday) followed by five days off (Thursday – Monday). While in the field, crew members work 8-10 hours daily. The day starts with a stretch circle and safety meeting, which includes two fifteen-minute breaks and a half-hour break for lunch each day.

Onboarding: Once Crew Members are selected and before their start date, they must complete an online enrollment process, including completing e-forms, uploading IDs, enrolling with AmeriCorps, and beginning their background check process. Accommodations may be available for those with limited access to online platforms, and these can be discussed during the interview process. 

Orientation Week, August 26th – 30th: Crew members will learn general trail maintenance practices, best practices for tools, and general conservation techniques. All food will be provided during orientation.

First Hitch: September 3rd

Position Summary:  

Fall Conservation Crew Member: The conservation crew member position is an entry-level role. Crew members are supported on various levels by their crew leaders, program staff, project partners, and Conservation Legacy staff. While prior experience with the outdoors or outdoor work can be helpful, it is not necessary. We ask that crew members embrace learning opportunities, face challenges, and  build  community  with  their crew. Crews will complete various conservation and community projects within the greater southeast region.  

Tagged as: Conservation

About Southeast Conservation Corps

Empowering young adults to cultivate compassion, responsibility, and grit through community service, hard work, and environmental stewardship.

Southeast Conservation Corps (SECC), a program of Conservation Legacy, is a non-profit, AmeriCorps-affiliated organization. SECC selects young adults, ages 18-30, to complete conservation work projects on public lands throughout the Southeast. SECC programs encourage environmental stewardship, foster community partnerships, & emphasize experiential learning. SECC serves a diverse population that is representative of the Southeast, including youth, graduates, veterans, and a cross-section of ethnicities and income levels. SECC is an active member of the AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team & as such, selected crews may be deployed on Disaster response projects for up to 30 days.

Application Instructions

Please apply via our website: https://jobs.silkroad.com/ConservationLegacy/Careers/jobs/5182