
Agency: University of Wyoming
Start Date: August 18, 2025
Apply By: March 1, 2025
Job Category: Graduate Research Assistantship, Jay Kemmerer WORTH Institute
Salary: $22,584/year (12-month) stipend + tuition and fees ($12,555) + fringe benefits ($745.27) = Total
Package: $35,884.27/year
Location: Laramie
Duration: 2-year position, dependent upon funding
Description: Dr. Dan McCoy, Director of the Jay Kemmerer Wyoming Outdoor Recreation, Tourism,
and Hospitality (WORTH) Institute is seeking a Graduate Research Assistant to assist with research related to outdoor recreation and tourism in Wyoming.
Ideal candidates for this position will be interested in supporting the applied research services of the Jay Kemmerer WORTH Institute. In addition, ideal candidates will possess good written and oral communication skills and have experience collaborating and/or working as part of a team. Candidates should show creative and flexible thinking, be self-motivated and able to work independently with guidance and support from project collaborators.
The successful candidate selected will be admitted (pending ENRS application) into the Masters program in Environment, Natural Resources, and Society (ENRS) through the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. The position is the equivalent of 20 hours/week and will cover 9 credits of tuition during the fall/spring, summer salary, and student health insurance.

Tagged as: Research/Science and Technical, Teaching/Education


Qualifications: Applicants will be considered who have a BA or BS in any field, with preference given to social science, recreation, and tourism-related fields. Preference will be given to applicants with research experience in social sciences, tourism, outdoor recreation and or professional experience in the outdoor recreation or tourism industries.

About University of Wyoming Jay Kemmerer WORTH Institute

The University of Wyoming offers close to 200 areas of study, a small student/faculty ratio, and superb faculty. As a nationally recognized research institution, UW’s global impact begins at our very own doorstep with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities. UW welcomes you to join a vibrant community of dedicated faculty and staff. Tradition, pride, leadership and excellence are just a few of the fundamental principles exercised at UW. A modest and warm community, offering the resources of a large university, UW provides an environment for success.

The mission of the Jay Kemmerer WORTH Institute is to support, expand, and diversify Wyoming’s economy through outdoor recreation, tourism, and hospitality industries. The Jay Kemmerer WORTH Institute achieves its mission by:

Delivering timely and relevant applied research for WORTH industries
Supplying diverse workforce training products and services to students and working industry professionals
Providing extension

Application Instructions

To apply: Please send the following materials as PDF documents to Dr. Dan McCoy at dan.mccoy@uwyo.edu with the subject WORTH GRA position. This packet should include a cover letter/narrative that explains your desire to pursue graduate education, your research interests, career goals, and highlights relevant experience; resume or CV including degree(s) earned, GPA, and contact information for at least three references.