
All Hands and Hearts (AHAH) is responding to the devastating series of wildfires that ripped through Maui, Hawaii, in August 2023. Alongside meeting the critical needs of those impacted, we are exploring avenues to provide sustained long-term support for communities recovering from the wildfires. We have committed a presence in Maui through December 2024 and are looking for volunteers to help us in supporting the local community in their recovery efforts!

-No experience necessary
-No fee to volunteer
-Free accommodations for the length of service
-3 meals per day provided on volunteer days
-Make connections
-Learn new skills
-Leadership opportunities

You can learn more about our program in Maui on our Volunteer Information Hub here: https://sites.google.com/allhandsandhearts.org/hawaiiwildfirerelief/home

Tagged as: Support Staff

About All Hands and Hearts

All Hands and Hearts provides community-inspired, volunteer-powered disaster relief. For almost 20 years All Hands and Hearts (AHAH) has worked alongside 168 disaster-affected communities, inviting more than 66,500 volunteers from 144 countries to clear debris, repair homes, rebuild schools, improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities, distribute essential supplies, and support in a variety of other community needs.

Application Instructions

You can submit your volunteer application through our website link here: https://sites.google.com/allhandsandhearts.org/hawaiiwildfirerelief/home