
All Hands and Hearts (AHAH) is in Florida responding to the devastating impacts of 2022’s Hurricane Ian. Utilizing our volunteer-powered disaster relief model, as of May 2024, we have impacted over 1,560 people affected by the hurricane. We have committed a presence in Florida until September 2024 and are looking for volunteers to join us in completing the work that is still remaining!

-No experience necessary
-No minimum time commitment
-No fee to volunteer
-Free accommodations for the length of service
-3 meals per day provided on volunteer days
-Make connections
-Learn new skills
-Leadership opportunities available

Interested in volunteering but concerned about the costs associated? We recognize that, while we do not charge volunteers a fee to come and stay with us, there are inherent costs associated with volunteering that may be a hindering factor.

You may be eligible for sponsorship through our National Volunteer Sponsorship Fund – a resource aimed at addressing financial need and the historic underrepresentation of demographics of volunteers on our programs, while also promoting in-country volunteering as a sustainable, impact and resource maximizing activity. Indicate interest in sponsorship in your volunteer application to be considered!

Tagged as: Support Staff

About All Hands and Hearts

All Hands and Hearts provides community-inspired, volunteer-powered disaster relief. For almost 20 years All Hands and Hearts (AHAH) has worked alongside 168 disaster-affected communities, inviting more than 66,500 volunteers from 144 countries to clear debris, repair homes, rebuild schools, improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities, distribute essential supplies, and support in a variety of other community needs.

Application Instructions

You can apply to volunteer here through our website application link: https://www.allhandsandhearts.org/volunteer/hurricane-ian-relief-volunteer-application/