
February 24, 2024, marked two years since the brutal invasion of Ukraine. Two years on and 14.6 million people are still in need of assistance. During this time, All Hands and Hearts (AHAH) has been addressing the unique needs of refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) and is committed to supporting these communities in Poland and Western Ukraine.

AHAH has identified a city in Western Ukraine to launch a volunteer program. Uzhhorod, within Zakarpatska Oblast, is under significant pressure due to the rapid influx of IDPs who are seeking shelter. Over 113,000 registered IDPs reside in the Oblast region, and many more are expected to flee from conflict zones as the war persists. The city of Uzhhorod, therefore, needs support to provide safe shelter for displaced families and individuals.

All Hands and Hearts is working with Uzhhorod University, which supports IDP intakes. Our team identified two buildings to renovate, including ten rooms to provide living spaces for families. In conjunction with the construction work, we will run various engagement activities, including English and art lessons.

In April, the team completed the first six rooms at Uzhhorod University, with renovations nearing completion in four more rooms. Following mold sanitation, repainting, rewiring and reflooring, the rooms have been converted into safe living spaces for individuals forced to flee from their home, and are already beginning to accommodate new families.

Engagement sessions in the community are gaining momentum, with over 150 English club and community art sessions attracting immense turnouts from both new and returning faces. Families have been repeatedly attending weekly English clubs together, strengthening bonds within the community and empowering each other while improving their English.

We are looking for volunteers to join us through August 2024!

You can find more information about this program on our Volunteer Information Hub here: https://sites.google.com/allhandsandhearts.org/ukraine-crisis-relief-ukraine/home

Tagged as: Support Staff

About All Hands and Hearts

All Hands and Hearts provides community-inspired, volunteer-powered disaster relief. For almost 20 years All Hands and Hearts (AHAH) has worked alongside 168 disaster-affected communities, inviting more than 66,500 volunteers from 144 countries to clear debris, repair homes, rebuild schools, improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities, distribute essential supplies, and support in a variety of other community needs.

Application Instructions

You can apply to volunteer directly through our website link here: https://www.allhandsandhearts.org/volunteer/ukraine-crisis-relief-ukraine-volunteer-application/