
The Outdoor Gear and Food Coordinator is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of gear used in teen
programs traveling off property and packing all meals for these groups. This position plays a crucial role in gear
distribution and inventory of food for smooth program operations. The Outdoor Gear and Food Coordinator
should possess effective communication, planning, logistics and organizational skills. A willingness to comply
with YMCA driving rules to be approved to operate YMCA vehicles is required.

Tagged as: Camp Staff

About Camp Chief Ouray, Granby, Colorado.

Camp Chief Ouray is the longest running summer camp in Colorado. Each year between May - August, hundreds of campers travel to Colorado for a week of adventure. Located on over 5,100 acres of beautiful mountain terrain, Camp Chief Ouray is one of the most scenic summer camps in the country. Only a 20-minute drive to Rocky Mountain National Park, staff have the one in a lifetime chance to live, work, and explore the mountains while making a difference in the lives of children.

Application Instructions

APPLY HERE ( https://jobs.ymcarockies.org/job/236/camp_chief_ouray_summer_camp_positions )