
What is Camp Laugh A Lot? Camp Laugh A Lot is a 501c3 non-profit organization. It is not affiliated with any religious organization. It started in the mid-1990s because Elders in our communities saw the need for youth to be more active outdoors and have more to do in the summer. Camp Laugh A Lot provides healthy, outdoors experiences in the Black Hills for Lakota youth ages 7 to 12. Camp activities include swimming, canoeing, paddleboarding, fishing, hiking, nature study, treasure hunts using nature clues, campfire programs with Lakota songs, learning Lakota names of plants and animals of the Black Hills, learning how to set up a tent or Tipi, learning traditional Lakota Hand Games, educational programs about animals and nature, and other activities. All equipment (tents, sleeping bags, etc.) and food is provided by Camp Laugh A Lot. Camp Counselors and Cultural Mentors are Tribal members from our own communities. We encourage you to apply!

When is Camp 2025? There are 5 overnight camp sessions and 5 day camps. All take place during the last 2 weeks in June. Some camp sessions are day trips, and some are 1 or 2 night overnights in the Black Hills. We camp in tents in campgrounds with nice facilities.

Who is Camp for? Lakota youth ages 7 to 12 from the Pine Ridge Reservation.

What do Camp Counselors do? Camp Counselors supervise, engage with, and coach campers during
activities, and help them be safe and have fun outdoor learning experiences.

Does Camp Laugh A Lot provide training for new Camp Counselors? Yes, we do! You will learn many new skills during the Camp Counselor training. Camp Counselor orientation is June 13.

What is the pay for Camp Counselors? Pay is competitive. Contact us for more information.

What is the cost for campers to go to Camp? There is no cost to go to Camp.

Tagged as: Camp Counselors, Camp Staff

About Camp Laugh A Lot

Camp Laugh A Lot is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Camp Laugh A Lot provides healthy, outdoors experiences in the Black Hills for Lakota youth ages 7 to 12. Camp activities include swimming, canoeing, paddleboarding, fishing, hiking, nature study, treasure hunts using nature clues, campfire programs, educational programs about animals and nature, and other activities. All camp sessions are in June. Some camp sessions are day trips to the Black Hills, and some are one or two night overnights in the Black Hills. We camp in beautiful campgrounds in the Black Hills with nice facilities.

Application Instructions

To apply please eamail camplaughalotSD@gmail.com or call 605-939-3770